Dear Bunnee,

We’vehad a lot of fun together this week from dancing at a BBQ party, to taking our first road trip to visit friends in Kentucky. I’m so grateful that you’ve been a big trooper so far and allowing mama to be herself.(for the most part, at least!) I think you’ve got mama’s sense of rhythm from the way you’ve been dancing around in my belly too! Let’s keep dancing together for a few more months until we get to meet each other, okay?

xoxo Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 23”


Dear Bunnee,

I just want to let you know that I’m really happy to have you on this journey with me.  Thank you for letting me keep you safe, to help you grow, and for making me smile.  It’s such a special honor to be your “home” right now, and I’m really enjoying every minute of it.  You gave me a big hello this week when you kicked hard enough where mama could feel you from outside my belly.  I wanted papa to be there with me so badly so he could feel you too, but I guess he’ll get his chance when you’re ready again.  We both love you so much and can’t wait to meet you!

xoxo Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 22”


Dear Bunnee,

You are making your presence known more and more each day, and are the length of a carrot now!  Every time mama eats a big meal, I don’t think you like how all the food crowds your space inside mama’s belly and you’ve been pushing it all up into my ribcage.  Occasionally, mama would push myself a little too hard and feel really tired afterwards.  You remind me that growing you is hard work, and we have to work together and pace ourselves.  We’vebeen a pretty good team so far.

xoxo Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 21”


Dear Bunnee,

Can you believe it?  We’re already half way through our journey until we get to meet each other!  We’veworked pretty well together so far and I’m so proud of how you’ve been doing such a good job growing inside mama.  Papa and I got to hear your strong heartbeat at our birth center appointment and also got to hear you kick.  A lot.  Our midwife said that you were “pretty active.”  You’ve already surprised me with some pretty good kicks too.  Mama’s been showing you off more and more these days, and I like to rub my belly a lot to say “hello” to you.  I love growing you inside me.  I hope you like it too.

xoxo Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 20”


Dear Bunnee,

I had a mommy & me date with your sister one day and had such a great time!  I thought to myself “Today was an awesome day being a mom.”  At that exact moment, I felt you flutter inside me.  It was a special moment that only you and I shared, and I never felt more excited to become your mama.  You’ve been saying hello to me a lot since then.  You’ve also been making mama’s hips hurt a lot this week too!  It’s okay though, I think it’s a sign that you’re making yourself more and more comfortable in mama’s belly.  Stretch out, and dance away little Bunnee!

xoxo , Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 19”