Dear Bunnee,

The dress I wore comfortably two weeks ago is feeling tight now, which is a good sign that you’re thriving and growing.  I find myself touching my belly a lot these days, and I think your sister is starting to notice mama’s growing belly.  She lifted both of our shirts up and started rubbing our bellies together.  I laughed so hard, I’m sure you felt mama jiggle.  When I sit down or lean forward, that’s when I feel your presence the most because I feel like I’m starting to squish you.  When I’m playing with your sister or cuddling with her, I almost feel like you’re there with us too.  My heart feels closest to you and your sister in those moments, and I can’t wait for the three of us girls to have fun together.

xoxo Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 18”


Dear Little Bunnee,

Mama and papa saw you for the first time at our ultrasound this week!  It was surreal and emotional to see you, all 5″ of you with two arms, two legs, all your fingers and toes and a beating heart.  You danced around for us a little bit but for the most part looked really comfortable chilling.  You are doing such a good job growing inside mama’s belly and we’re already so proud of, and in love with you.   We also found out that you’re a little girl!  You and your sister are going to have so much fun growing up together, and having you two are going to make mama a better woman too.  We asked your sister to give you a nickname, and she squealed “Bunnee!” and kissed mama’s belly.  She also lifted up her shirt, pointed at her own belly and said “Ellie’s baby!” too.  She already loves you so much.

xoxo  Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 17”


Dear baby,

I can see that you’re making yourself more and more comfortable in mama’s belly because you’re making it rounder and bigger!  I like looking down and seeing you.   I felt you flutter around a couple weeks ago, but haven’t felt you dance since.  But you’re mama and papa’s baby so I know you’re dancing in there!  I hope you like dancing in mama’s belly, and I hope you’re cozy.

xoxo, Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 16”