Dear Bunnee,

My belly is so tight that I can no longer tell the difference between a Braxton Hicks contraction, and you moving. Mama had a prenatal massage today and the massage therapist was convinced you were coming out this weekend. She said “wow, she’s trying to touch the ceiling!” while mama was lying down. I’m excited to meet you, but I’d be lying if I said mama’s not nervous either. But I know it’s going to be a lot of work for you too. One thing I know for sure; I know we’re going to make a good team together.

xoxo Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 39”


Can you believe it? We are just days away from Aya’s due date and not only did I get sick, but so did Ellie. Aw man! This was not part of my PHABing strategy! What about my list!? I still need to clean the oven, dust the picture frames, and buy a diaper champ! Will I get to complete my frenzied disinfectant style cleaning? Will I convince Aya to throw away her collection of Vogue magazines from 10 years ago? Will I have the house perfect for the arrival of our baby?

Continue reading “PREGNANT PAUSE”


(I’m “Singing in the rain” through all the emotional ups and downs of pregnancy. And yes, I danced down the aisle in these 4″ platform heels for my girlfriend’s wedding.)

Dear Bunnee,

Girl, I honestly don’t think you have much moving space left in there. Just stay comfortable as much as you can, okay?

I can’t feel a single kick, a squirm, or a shift from you without it affecting another part of my body. Whether it be my bladder, my rib cage, or my sides(it hurts when I laugh now because your back presses up against my side and makes it cramp), I truly feel like you and I are one.

I wonder if you’ll still remember my warmth, my cradle, my voice, my laugh…when I’m holding you in my arms?

xoxo Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 38”

BIRTH: PART THREE (Her Side of the Story)

I think the worst part about the contractions was the pressure. It was one thing when it was in its Beethoven subwoofing stage. Kind of like when the orchestra is tuning before the concert begins and you just hear a mosh of instruments gradually getting louder and louder…and then dissipating. As the contractions were getting more and more intense, there were definitely more horns in the mix, but again, it felt like a huge wave. And then the conductor decided to add more tubas. And bassoons. AND A GONG. All at the same time! And you’re sitting in the front row. Well, you get the idea. It was a big hot mess. Continue reading “BIRTH: PART THREE (Her Side of the Story)”

BIRTH: PART THREE (My Side of the Story)

The waiting, which felt like an eternity, was finally over. It felt like we had been awake and at the birth center for days. But in reality, we were only there for 6 hours before it was declared that it was time to “have a baby.” The moment we had prepared for was here. The head midwife came in, along with an assistant and turned the lights up. They meant business. Aya got into the tub on her knees. The midwife put a mirror in the tub and shined a flashlight on it so they could see the “area.” I was on one side of the tub facing Aya. Two midwives and an assistant were behind Aya on the other side staring in the mirror. Aya’s breathing and contractions were getting more intense and I just tried to stay calm.  Continue reading “BIRTH: PART THREE (My Side of the Story)”