In an attempt to get into the holiday spirit last year, I decided to make zombie gingerbread cookies. Which also led to me developing a few other not-so-typical cookie creations. So this year I was excited to bake again and develop some new holiday friends to accompany last year’s characters. I’ve been trying to bake all week long, but between Ellie’s off sleep schedule and her getting yet another cold, it kept getting put off. And now, finally on Christmas Eve, I’ve finished my holiday baking!
My cousin got Ellie this thing for Christmas called “Fridge Phonics.” You put it on the fridge and it has all 26 letters you click into place and push a button. Once the button is pressed it sings a song.
B says Bu, Every letter makes a sound and B says Bu
I didn’t know what to expect for Ellie’s first Christmas.  She’s not quite a year old yet, so I knew she wouldn’t be opening her own presents or really get what was going on. But I was expecting her to be her normal excited self. If she’s excited for a normal Monday, then why wouldn’t she flip out with excitement over Christmas with the site of packages, bows, and pretty paper? But after her nap on Christmas Eve, she woke up with a fever and wasn’t quite herself. Aya was getting over having a cold and now Ellie had one too.   Even so, I thought as soon as we got to my grandma’s she’d put her happy face on and still be excited.
I’ve been having trouble getting into the Christmas spirit this year. I’m not sure why. I’m usually a very jolly fellow around this time of year. Usually starting the day after Thanksgiving I have the Christmas tunes going and am stapling lights to the house hoping to be the brightest house on the block. But this year, I didn’t even put out a wreath. I’m not sure what it is. Maybe it’s because I’m not at work excited about getting a few days off, or maybe I’m nervous about what’s to come in the New Year. I’m really not sure why, but I knew I had to make an effort to get into the spirit. This is Ellie’s first Christmas and this is when we can start building our traditions. I can’t be a Scrooge for this. So I decided to do some holiday baking to get into the mood.