I decided to do something a little different for my mom this past Christmas.  She’s someone who really doesn’t “want” things, or “need” things.  “I don’t need that… the one I have is fine,” she’d say.  “I’m sure whatever you get me I’ll like because it’s from you.”  Spoken like a true mom, right?  So instead of something, I thought I’d get her an experience.  I decided on a cooking class at a fancy restaurant.  It just so happened that she had the same gift idea for me… at the same restaurant!  Awww… how about that?  My mom and I are going to cooking class together.  We haven’t done that since I was nine years old.  I guess Aya knew the whole time, but she didn’t let on.  The restaurant we ended up at was Pronto in Royal Oak.  The class we decided to take was scheduled in March and was called, “Island Fever – A tour of the Greek Islands – Mediterranean Flair -Simple but never plain!”

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