I woke up cranky Saturday morning. I was expecting a weekend of crappy weather and was feeling cooped up inside. But when I got a message from a friend saying she was going to be in our town for an event, I was a little surprised. She’s never down this way. Nobody we know ends up coming this way unless we invite them. She volunteers for the Jaycees and was going to be in town for the Easter egg hunt. She said the weather was supposed to be nice, too. Huh? I checked the weather online and it said high of 71 degrees. What? I noticed it was sunny outside and walked out on the porch, and it felt warm! Aya, Julie’s going to be in town, we are taking Ellie to the Easter egg hunt, get ready.
I decided to do something a little different for my mom this past Christmas. She’s someone who really doesn’t “want” things, or “need” things. “I don’t need that… the one I have is fine,” she’d say. “I’m sure whatever you get me I’ll like because it’s from you.” Spoken like a true mom, right? So instead of something, I thought I’d get her an experience. I decided on a cooking class at a fancy restaurant. It just so happened that she had the same gift idea for me… at the same restaurant! Awww… how about that? My mom and I are going to cooking class together. We haven’t done that since I was nine years old. I guess Aya knew the whole time, but she didn’t let on. The restaurant we ended up at was Pronto in Royal Oak. The class we decided to take was scheduled in March and was called, “Island Fever – A tour of the Greek Islands – Mediterranean Flair -Simple but never plain!”
I was on a mission to find the perfect spice jars. Since I’m the head chef these days, I have to look at the disorganized spice rack all the time and it’s not very user friendly. They are all from different stores and brands with different labels. Some have black caps, green caps, red caps, it’s awful. So with the New Year here, I decided it was time to get a fresh start in my cabinets hopefully making my cooking experience more enjoyable and efficient. Continue reading “OPERATION SPICE”
To help battle the cold dry winter air, my dad came over to help me install a whole house humidifier on the furnace. Well exactly, I stood there and handed him tools. I’m a pretty handy guy, but dealing with the furnace was out of my league, so I played the role of assistant. As I was looking around the basement floor for a screw driver, I noticed something under the floor drain cover. It honestly looked like a mound of poop. Thinking this was odd, I took a closer look. It was pretty poorly lit by the floor drain and I was about to take the cover off when I noticed this “mound” had a nose. I jumped back as I wasn’t absolutely sure what this was. It was only able to determine that this was not something, but someone.
I haven’t actually winterized my yard for the past three years. But with the weather being so nice this week, I thought it’d be perfect to spend the day outside doing the final cut, and prepping the yard for winter.  My mom was going to have Ellie all day, I had my to-do list written, and a highlighter in hand ready to start crossing things off.  Let’s do this!