Halloween was quickly approaching and we needed to decide if we were going to dress Ellie up or not. We originally agreed to do a Hello Kitty costume, but the only costumes we liked were online and we never made an effort to purchase them. And with a few days to Halloween, it just wasn’t going to work. Then I thought of doing a mummy costume. How cool would a baby mummy be!? The caption of the photo would read “I love my mummy,” even though her daddy put the costume together. Whatever, I’d still love it. But Aya didn’t want our child dressed up as a dead person.
I needed to come up with something else. Something easier. Something better. And I did! But it was an idea so secret I didn’t even tell Aya. Only my mom and I knew. And that’s what brought me to JoAnn Fabrics a few days before Halloween. Continue reading “CREEPY CRAFTY”