When I first started this stay-at-home gig, I was very regimented on how I did things.

Monday was grocery shopping day. Tuesday I would clean the house. Wednesday I’d cut the grass and do my outdoor chores. Thursday was laundry day, and Friday was left open for any miscellaneous activities. Also, on most days we’d have a long walk down by the river so Ellie could nap. And then during the afternoon, I’d throw her in the baby carrier while I started dinner. At the time, that was the only way to get her to fall asleep for her afternoon nap. So with all that, I made myself a pretty busy guy.

Continue reading “CHEER UP, IT’S FRIDAY!”


DS_2011_05_06aI did it. I survived my first winter as a stay-at-home dad with my daughter, Ellie.

Actually, I thought I survived it many times. How many spring fake outs did we have this year? It seems silly with it being May to even mention the word “winter,” but not that long ago, we were still battling the cold repressive hand of Old Man Winter. I’ve never been one to be really affected by the weather. Winter always felt like it dragged on a little bit, but it’s never put the smack down like it has this year. And even though I think I may have the happiest, smiliest kid on the planet, this winter was a cranky stubborn mule, and it had me down.

Continue reading “GOOD DAY SUNSHINE”