DETHRONED: The “King of Savings” Has Been Clipped

I was recently reminded of the quote, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

No, I didn’t just watch Spiderman, and I’m not referring to the importance and responsibility of parenting.

I’m talking about having control of the household coupon book.

Continue reading “DETHRONED: The “King of Savings” Has Been Clipped”


Ellie can talk! What!? It’s crazy! She’s learning words and phrases at an exponential rate which is absolutely amazing to watch. But now that she can speak more, she also understands more. Which sometimes isn’t always the best thing. A quiet mutter of the word “ice cream” can turn into a disaster.

“Ice cream!? Someone say ice cream!? I want ice cream! Ice cream! ICE CREAM! I SCREAM!!!” She’s worse than I am.

So to avoid these situations, Aya has started spelling things out so Ellie doesn’t know what’s going on. But unfortunately it also means I have no clue what’s going on half the time either. Continue reading “SPEAK AND S-P-E-L-L”


Aya and I recently went public about us expecting our second child. And by public, of course I mean, Facebook public. The Facebook announcement always makes everything really “official,” right? We did announce the good news to some of our friends and family before that though. And let me tell you, when it comes to hearing pregnancy announcements, men and women react totally different.

Continue reading “THE ANNOUNCEMENT”


At the end of January, I started taking a sewing class to expand my skill base. Our first project on the list was making an apron. The first class was all lecture and stitch tests, but by the second class, we were knee deep in pins, needles, patterns, and fabric.

Have you ever seen that episode of the Cosby show when Denise makes Theo a knock-off of the Gordon Gartrell shirt? It came out all wonky and lopsided and I was a little worried that’s how my apron would turn out. I mean, I’m pretty skilled with my hands and have somewhat of an artistic eye, but this teacher made me feel really nervous. But it was time to look past that and see if I had what it takes.

Continue reading “SEW MUCH FUN!”


I know our arrangement at home isn’t considered “typical” in most situations. Mom goes to work and dad stays home. It’s nothing that’s unheard of, but it’s not very common either. I accept that. I accept the comments from strangers at the grocery store when they assume I’m “giving mommy a break.” My inexperience and insecurities really ate at me and made me feel alone and isolated early on, but after some time, and with some gained confidence, it doesn’t really bother me too much anymore. I have a good network of people around me that have been nothing but supportive of what I do and how I do it. And because of that, I feel a lot of my insecurities about how my role is being perceived by the public are mostly in my head than they are actually true.

But recently I learned that the U.S. Census Bureau counts fathers as a form of child care for mothers. Huh? I’m just a babysitter?

Continue reading “THE BABYSITTER?”