With it being Valentine’s Day, my heart sure has been BEETing.  So I decided to make a four course beet meal for Valentine’s Day.  Hearts are red and so are beets.  Hearts beat, and well, beets are beets.  The meal was beef tenderloin steaks with red wine tarragon sauce with a side of beet greens, roasted beet and potato borscht, and a side salad with beets, oranges, and feta cheese.  And for dessert, a beet cake.  Yes, you read that right.  A BEET bundt cake.  I’ve never had any of these beets dishes before and they were all surprisingly great!  The kitchen looked like a crime scene afterwards, but it was worth it.  Even the beet cake was pretty tasty.  It wasn’t nearly as gross as it sounds.  It’s a very moist chocolate cake with just a hint of beet aftertaste.  After my first bite I wasn’t sure.  But after a few more I decided I really liked it.  I probably won’t make it again unless we are having a huge beet fan over for dinner.  Now I need to pretend I’m in an episode of CSI and clean-up my kitchen.


Beef Tenderloin Steaks with Red Wine Tarragon Sauce

Beet Greens with Bacon

Roasted Beet and Potato Borscht

Beet Chocolate Bundt Cake

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