Ellie’s one year birthday is coming up this Saturday.  And in preparation for that, I’ve found myself reminiscing through the events of the past year.  Specifically, when she was born.  And with that, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to tell Ellie’sBirth Story.

I figured if you only heard my side of the story it might be a little slanted, a little one-sided.  So I decided to invite Aya, my wife, as a guest writer to tell her side of the story as well.

The story will be divided into three parts, and each part will have two sides.  “My Side of the Story,” and “Her Side of the Story.”  I will start with “Part One: My Side of the Story” on Monday followed by “Part One: Her Side of the Story” on Tuesday, and each day after I will post another installment in the series ending on Ellie’s birthday this Saturday.

So read my story, or hers.  Or read them both, and compare and contrast.  Laugh, cry, smile, or say “ouch!”  Either way, I hope you enjoy the series.

BIRTH: PART ONE (My Side of the Story)

BIRTH: PART ONE (Her Side of the Story)

BIRTH: PART TWO (My Side of the Story)

BIRTH: PART TWO (Her Side of the Story)

BIRTH: PART THREE (My Side of the Story)

BIRTH: PART THREE (HER Side of the Story)

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