It was time to try more. To stay on pace, we needed to try three flavors this week. We weren’t feeling the fruity flavors for this trip, so we decided to go with a dessert medley. It seemed weird saying that because we were already ordering ice cream. Isn’t that dessert already? I don’t think so. Ice cream is just ice cream, not necessarily dessert. So we ordered German Chocolate, Cheesecake and Apple Pie flavors. You know, dessert flavors.
We ordered three kid cones in a cup. Considering we were eating this before dinner and we were splitting three cups between the two of us, we decided to go with the kid size instead of a traditional small. Notice that Aya changed her ways from the cone to the cup since it was 90+ degrees out and she didn’t want melted ice cream dripping down her hands like last week.
Apple Pie
I like apple pie and I like apple pie with ice cream. I like apple pie filling on pancakes and waffles and crepes and elephant ears and just plain, cold and out of the can. But somehow, a little bit of the magic gets lost when you have apple pie flavored ice cream. It was good, it just wasn’t “gimme another piece of pie good.” It was smooth and creamy with undertones of cinnamon and a hint of baked apples. I gave it 3 spoons. Aya gave it 2 spoons. I was surprised she put and Apple Pie on the same level. But she stands by her rating.
I was the most excited for the German Chocolate. I thought it would be extra chocolaty. Like chocolate dipped in chocolate with a side chocolate. But then Aya mentioned she was curious if we could taste the coconut flavor in it. Coconut? What? You know those chocolate cakes with the nasty light-brown, M&M-colored coconut frosting? That’s a German chocolate cake. I didn’t know that. I refer to those as nasty chocolate cakes. Now I know they have a name. What are the Germans doing with coconuts anyways? My excitement quickly turned to disappointment. If you haven’t figured it out, I’m not a fan of coconut.
After the first bite, it felt like I was punched in the mouth with a coconut-flavored glove. Whoa, what happened to the chocolate!? I gave this a rating of 1.5 spoons. Don’t get me wrong, I still ate it. Aya felt the coconut was a little strong on the first two bites, but felt it worked after that. She rated it a solid 3 spoons, above the Apple Pie. I thought I could trust her for this project.
Cheesecake happens to be one of my favorite desserts. I like it for its diversity. Whether you are topping it with fruit, chocolate, peanut butter or caramel, it works. And works really well. That’s why I think it makes a good base. When I get a Razzle it’s usually with cheesecake ice cream as the foundation. Just as I don’t prefer plain cheesecake, I don’t prefer plain cheesecake ice cream either. It’sd be better mixed with something, so we both gave it a strong rating of 4 plastic spoons.
Only 34 more flavors to go!