Well, the due date has come and gone. And that feeling of “any day now” is starting to fade. We’vebeen trying to relish in our last days as a family of three and cherish the quiet before our house has a new born, but well, we are losing momentum. We’vebeen hanging on a moment too long. Where’s the plunger and the salad spoons? Let’s get this kid out!

I know, I know, baby bunnee will come when she is good and ready. We don’t want any unnecessary medical intervention and it’s only a week past the due date. Which is really an educated guess anyway, right? But in that one week of waiting it’s amazing how many emotions one person can have, and then have again.

A few days before the due date, all the signs were showing that Aya could go into labor soon. Ellie and I caught a summer cold so we read that as a sign to give up on our task list. We wanted to enjoy the last days with Ellie as an only child instead of organizing the pantry and weeding the garden. We gave in and were mentally ready to accept that Aya would go into labor in the next few days. We started to cherish all the “last” moments for awhile. Our last morning sleeping in, our last night of quiet, etc. We even went out to dinner with my mom thinking it would be our last dinner out in awhile. But that was over a week ago.

It hasn’t happened. And then the due date approached along with more anticipation. Ellie’s especially. Her anxiety was off the charts. We thought every night we went to bed that “this was it!” And then morning would come. And then another day passed. And then another. And another.

Every morning I’d ask Aya how she felt, and she’d respond in a defeated tone, “I feel great…”

And so we’d go about our day wondering if it would happen later that night.

So with all this extra time on our hands, we started working on our to-do list again. Nothing frantic. More out of boredom. I steamed cleaned the carpets, put the finishing touches on the fence, made a bunch of returns and ran errands, and did more cleaning. We even went out to dinner again, just the two of us thinking “For sure, this is our last night out for awhile.”

But that was three days ago… (Sigh)

And now, we are a full week past the due date and we’ve practically finished our to-do list that we gave up on. Aya was so antsy she even be-dazzled the stapler. And so much time has passed since I did my pre-baby deep clean, that it needs it again. But like I said, we are kind of losing momentum at this point. I think we’re tired of savoring the moment. Even Ellie’s high-strung emotions have dissipated. “What baby? Oh, that baby? I forgot all about that.”

The baby will come when she is good and ready.

Now it’s time to just pause, relax, rest, and wait.

Wait, that sounds familiar. Have I said that before?

One thought on “STILL PAUSING…

  1. I totally hear you. Erin went a week past her due date and it got to the point (for me) where I felt I could schedule things and not worry because, you know, the baby wouldn’t be here yet.

    Of course I told Erin how I was feeling Saturday evening and she went into labor on Sunday morning…so there’s that.

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