I love stuffed peppers. This was one of my favorites my mom cooked growing up, and I now I get to cook it using my own garden grown green peppers. Stuffed peppers, homemade mashed potatoes, and fresh garden green beans. This is one of my comfort foods.


Stuffed Peppers

about 2 lbs ground beef
1 cup cooked rice
chopped onion (I did half a large onion)
1 beaten egg
salt and pepper
6 red, yellow, orange, or green peppers
3-4 cans Campbell’s Tomato soup

Mix ingredients together through salt and pepper.  Stuff peppers and put in baking dish.  The meat left over than can’t fit into the peppers, I roll into meatballs. Pour on tomato soup, cover, and bake at 350 for 1 and a half hours.  Eat.

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