Spaghetti Tacos

Spaghetti tacos, with leftover caesar salad, and tortilla soup. I read an article awhile back about how spaghetti tacos were “sweeping” the nation. I had never heard of them so I thought I’d give it a go. I found a fancy version and didn’t care too much for them. But since I had leftover taco fixin’s, I thought i’d try the original recipe.  I guess they originated on a Nickolodeon show called iCarly.  I had never heard of that either.  They are fun to eat… but I’d rather eat my spaghetti and tacos separately…


Spaghetti Tacos

Soba Noodle Salad w/ Citrus Vinaigrette

Soba noodle salad with citrus vinaigrette, seaweed salad, and green tea.  It seemed more like a pasta dish and less like a salad.  You could easily serve this warm or cold.  By the time we ate, it was inbetween.  I really liked this one.  It said you could use whole wheat pasta as a substitute for soba noodles.


Soba Noodle Salad with Citrus Vinaigrette