Dear baby,

I can see that you’re making yourself more and more comfortable in mama’s belly because you’re making it rounder and bigger!  I like looking down and seeing you.   I felt you flutter around a couple weeks ago, but haven’t felt you dance since.  But you’re mama and papa’s baby so I know you’re dancing in there!  I hope you like dancing in mama’s belly, and I hope you’re cozy.

xoxo, Mama

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When Aya was pregnant with Ellie, she had absolutely no morning sickness or any aversions to food. Not only was she not disgusted by any food, she didn’t have any cravings either. At least, nothing unusual from her usual cravings as an exotic food loving person. (Her cravings kicked in postpartum when she’d send me to Dunkin’Donuts for a triple chocolate donut at 4am while she was nursing. Donuts? I wasn’t complaining.) But with this pregnancy, it’s been a whole different ball game.

Continue reading “PREGNANT CRAVINGS”