As my two year anniversary of being a stay-at-home parent approaches, I realized I have learned many things. I’ve stepped up to the plate and tackled the nitty gritty household chores of cleaning, grocery shopping (with coupons), and laundry. I’ve duked it out in the kitchen preparing meals every day for my family. I’ve faced my insecurities to take Ellie to storytime, Japanese school, museums, and the zoo. And in the process, my confidence has soared leaving me to believe I can and will face any situation without fear or uncertainty. But there comes a day when something takes you by surprise and knocks you off the horse making you wonder, “Do I really have what it takes?” Well that day arrived for me. We ran out of toilet paper.
I do the grocery shopping for our house. I plan the meals, I check the sales paper, and I make the list. I got this. I even use those eco bags, too. I have a system. It may not be very practical, but it works for me. I usually go Monday mornings and I start in produce. I usually have my list memorized (which is good because I forget it in the car half the time) so I only look at the list when I think I’m done. I get in, I shop quickly, and I get out.