Homemade Mac N Cheese

Homemade mac n cheese with a salad.  The recipe said it was the “creamiest.”  It wasn’t, but considering it was a lighter version that had butternut squash in it, it was really good.  I would bake it five minutes less than what was suggested.


Creamy Light Mac N Cheese

Zucchini and Eggplant Lasagna

Zucchini and eggplant lasagna, and a salad.  This is a great way to use up the over abundance of summer zucchini from the garden.  Unfortunately I don’t anymore.  It was growing really good and then it just stopped. It’s not a super saucey lasagna if that’s what you’re expecting.  It’s a solid recipe though, I made it three times last summer.  It’s easy and it lasts a couple days.


Zucchini and Eggplant Lasagna

Stir-Fried Chinese Egg Noodles

Stir-fried Chinese egg noodles, and zucchini cooked with soy sauce and drizzled with honey.  The noodles ended up looking really weird for some reason, but everything tasted okay.  I only did a fraction of the chili paste it called for because I don’t like a lot of heat. I also added tofu.  I think this is worth another shot to get it right.


Stir-Fried Chinese Egg Noodles

Linguine w/ Lemon Ricotta

Linguine with quick lemon ricotta and a salad.  Making homemade ricotta in the microwave was kind of weird.  This was a simple dish to make, but it didn’t taste spectacular.  It was a little bland and the texture of the homemade ricotta was a bit odd with everything else.


Linguine with Quick Lemon Ricotta

Summer Veggie Pizza

Summer veggie pizza and a salad.  I’ve never had asparagus on pizza before so I wasn’t sure about this.  It could have gone either way, but I really liked this.  This was a great veggie dish and really easy if you use pre-made dough, which is what I did.  It called for red peppers which would have helped the color presentation a little better, but I already had orange ones.  I also overcooked it just a bit.  I blame Ellie for that though.


Summer Veggie Pizza