It started out like any other morning.  After Ellie wakes up, I usually give her a bottle and then I change her diaper.  But before I put her clothes on, I go take a shower.  If I don’t do it then, it probably won’t happen at all.  While I shower, Ellie plays in the bathroom with just a diaper on.  She has her toys, or she usually just sits there chatting to herself.  I’m pretty quick, so it’s not long at all that she needs to entertain herself.  But like I said, it started out like any other morning.

When I opened the shower curtain to grab my towel, I noticed something different.  She was naked.  Ellie!?  I also noticed she was in the squatting position.  Ellie!  She stood up and handed me her diaper with a big smile on her face.  Once she stood up, I noticed one more thing.  Actually a couple things.  There were three or four good sized turds she had left on the bathroom floor.  Ellie!  What did you do!?   All she could say was “Uh oh.”

At least she was in the bathroom.  She had the right place, just the wrong spot.

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